
I ain’t gonna lie – including Mighty in decision-making, with ACTUAL consideration to her needs and wishes, feels like a loss. It feels like she gets her way ALL the time. And sometimes, when I am doing something that I probably wouldn’t do on my own, I want it to stop. I ask myself, why am I choosing this again?

That, fellow parents, is the feeling of giving up privilege.

It is truly a practice, as in we practice every day, to create a more equitable household. It’s hard. Very. The amount of unlearning and reparenting myself that I have to do to make space for her is incredible. And that’s my child. That I love.

So imagine what it’s going to take for white people to give up their privilege for everyone else. The ask is enormously awesome.

We all gotta start somewhere.

#deschooling #deschoolingoutloud #unschooling

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