
Mighty might not have multiplication down but honey knows how to count her coins.

She has had the opportunity to practice counting money at the store, but maybe she felt she needed a refresher. I heard her ask Siri how to count money and I guess it worked ’cause she came in with $7.99 to go with the $10 that was coming her way. She told me, I watched a video to make sure I knew how to count this.

Four dollar bills and change.

I’m so proud of her for that. Fundamentally, that is what unschooling is about. She doesn’t have to always know the answer. She just needs to know how to get it when she needs it and have the confidence to apply it.

Her first purchase, a Beyonce wig.

I have feelings about that. I kept my feelings to myself because they are just that…MY feelings. And it’s not against any of my boundaries. And it is HER money.

I’m finding myself having lots of feelings as my 9yo begins the very normal process of trying on identities and discovering how she wants to show up in the world. I might write about that…another day.

In the meantime, Imma just enjoy the ride.

#deschooling #deschoolingoutloud #unschooling

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